
 A Surfing Tribute to Hanukkah

To the music of The Beach Boys, enjoy the story of the surfin' Jews as they fight to keep the faith in the face of attacks by the rival Greeks.


Features such crowd-pleasers as:

Join the Greeks and You’re Sitting on Top of the World (Catch a Wave)

I Wish They All Could Be Nice Jewish Boys (California Girls)

Spin, Spin, Spin Till The Greeks Take Our Dreidel Away (Fun, Fun, Fun)


and seven more full length songs!


Be True to Your Shul


Be True to Your Shul: A Surfing Tribute to Hanukkah - pdf or Word file

Musical prices include local sales tax (if any). Make your secure payments on PayPal. After payment is completed, your play will be emailed to you in pdf or Word format, as you request.